Enforce Tac | SAR 127 MT 12,7x99mm Heavy Machine Gun

Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-117

SAR 127 MT 12,7x99mm Heavy Machine Gun




  • Fully-automatic rifles


  • Fully-automatic rifles
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Product information

The heavy machine gun SAR 127 MT, which is manufactured to provide the strong fire support needed in the combat environment, has the ability to operate fully automatically and fire one by one. The weapon can also be easily adapted to the structure of the remote controlled systems in which it is integrated or the position where it is placed, thanks to the ammunition supply, which can be made from the right or left. The effective range of SAR 127 MT series, which can be mounted on land, sea and air vehicles by making the necessary interface connections and weighs approximately 38 kilograms, can reach 1.830m, while its maximum range reaches 6.764 m. The barrel of the air-cooled gun can be changed quickly. This feature allows the weapon to continue the battle without sacrificing its firepower in situations that require continuous fire pressure.

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