Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-142


Key Facts

  • DESIGN FEATURES - Integrated hood offering quick and safe donning - Functional pockets at upper arm and thigh - Waistband adjustable from outside - Flexible Inner cuffs at sleeves and trouser legs - Ergonomically pre-shaped design for elbows and knees - Removable protectors inserted in pockets on knees/elbows - Boot/trouser hook for a durable and robust interface between footwear and garment
  • PERFORMANCE Protection: 24 hours against 10g/m2 liquid HD Storage: up to 10 years in the original unopened packaging Active wear time: up to 45 days Washing: up to 6 times Mask compatibility: with the majority of respirators currently in use Weight: 2.6 kg in size L
  • SIZES Coverall: 21 sizes in S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL, 4XL each with short, regular and long lengths


  • CBRN protection

Key Facts

  • DESIGN FEATURES - Integrated hood offering quick and safe donning - Functional pockets at upper arm and thigh - Waistband adjustable from outside - Flexible Inner cuffs at sleeves and trouser legs - Ergonomically pre-shaped design for elbows and knees - Removable protectors inserted in pockets on knees/elbows - Boot/trouser hook for a durable and robust interface between footwear and garment
  • PERFORMANCE Protection: 24 hours against 10g/m2 liquid HD Storage: up to 10 years in the original unopened packaging Active wear time: up to 45 days Washing: up to 6 times Mask compatibility: with the majority of respirators currently in use Weight: 2.6 kg in size L
  • SIZES Coverall: 21 sizes in S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL, 4XL each with short, regular and long lengths


  • CBRN protection
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Product information

The SFI-NG coverall is the new generation of theSARATOGA® SFI coverall originally developed together with the GSG 9, the counter-terror unit of the GermanFederal Police, a unit deployed for and operating incomplex combat and/or missions in situations such as hostage taking, kidnapping or extortion/blackmail.These situations require clothing providing protection against chemical warfare agents with enhanced aerosol protection and flames, especially in cases of terrorist attacks.

Based on the air permeable technology incorporating spherical adsorbers in combination with an aerosol filter,this one-piece garment addresses the needs of modern Special Forces.

An ergonomic design and a good fit maintain the user’s operational capability, even during the most extremeactions. Furthermore, the design of the clothing ensemble provides perfect compatibility with additional equipment to be worn and carried.

The protective performance of the clothing system isgranted by the material combination of material components, fit and design. The one-piece coverall withaerosol tight closures and interfaces ensure the safedressing of the personal protective equipment components at the interface areas such as hand and feet.

Operations, in which sudden threats occur, resulting in a short response time to complete the entire protective gear, is given by this one-piece coverall with integrated hood, ensuring quick, intuitive and safe assembly of the personal protective equipment.

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