Enforce Tac | Stand security manager for gun security

Stand security manager for gun security

Every exhibitor presenting products requiring licences (e.g. firearms and ammunition) on his stand must nominate a stand manager and if possible a deputy stand manager and notify the exhibition management accordingly before the exhibition.

The details provided for the stand security manager and deputy stand security manager will be used solely by the exhibition management and local authorities for contacting them during assembly, exhibition and dismantling. The nomination is obligatory for exhibiting at Enforce Tac.

Form Stand security manager for gun security

Fields marked with * are mendatory

Information on stand manager

Information on deputy stand manager

We have read and will comply with the instructions on the prevention of theft, gun security and the tasks of the stand manager.

By clicking on this button, you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted the Data Protection Regulations*. Further information on the "Transparency and Information Obligations" of NürnbergMesse GmbH can be found here.